
Darwin Bushwalking Club

Mistake Creek area LNP - good camp, swim + gamba surveying for rangers


Fri 16 Sep 2022 17:30 — Sun 18 Sep 2022 17:30

Event information

This event has passed.

Last club trip to this area before the road closes. Camp with vehicles Fri night, good bush camp Sat night.

Includes some gamba surveying, finishing ground truthing CDU aerial survey (began on previous DBC trip to the area)

Part of a series of DBC gamba survey trips to the southern part of the park before the roads close in October (for more info about the importance of gamba to the future of bushwalking in LNP, take a look at this video https://vimeo.com/137781537).

Email Andy Peart at peart_andy@yahoo.com.au with your phone number. New members and kids 12 and over with a parent welcome.
