A special offer to DBC members - if you'd like to give back to the nature you love, by helping with surveying gamba grass and "grubbing" some (digging up) with a mini-mattock, then you may be interested in joining us for this trip. Some volunteers with qualifications will also be spraying, for the purpose of substantially cleaning up the Mistake Creek valley and tributaries from known gamba infestations. This involves hiking into that remote, wild and wonderful part of Litchfield National Park - rarely visited during the wet season months.There will be time alongside the volunteer work for seeing great country, for swims and good campsites
You need good fitness for this one (but we have easier trips coming up if this is not your thing - see our calendar link below or see our other trips on the DBC events page. Leaving Darwin Thursday afternoon to car camp Thursday night then hiking with a pack. You also need to get Tuesday off work (get back to Darwin around sunset).
Note this is not a DBC trip, however you would be covered by similar insurances as if it was. You would need to register as a volunteer with Parks and Wildlife Commission NT (we send you a form, takes 5 minutes to fill out) and you would also be joining Weedwalkers Top End Landcare Group (half the Weedwalker volunteers are DBC members).
To enquire about joining this trip as a volunteer, or any other Weedwalkers trips, email weedwalkers.topend@gmail.com with your phone number and Andy will get back to you. Young, old and anyone in between are all welcome!
Why bother volunteer to protect the Tabletop and Tableland Rangers in LNP from gamba? A recent CDU report warns of "an end point of ecosystem collapse" for habitats in LNP if substantial and sustained action is not taken soon against the spread of invasive, highly-flammable gamba grass. Needless to say, this would also mean the end of any bushwalking in the park for our kids, grandkids and future generations.You could be part of this action!
If you're interested you can read the CDU report here
FInd out more about Weedwalkers Top End Landcare Group:
Check out our trips calendar: